Taxonomic databases Working Group (TDWG) September 28th to October 1st, 2015 Annual Conference
The 2015 Biodiversity Information TDWG Annual
Conference organized in partnership with African Conservation Centre, National
Museums of Kenya, Kenya Wild Life Service, Department of Remote Sensing and
Resource Surveys, University of Nairobi, Ministry of Environment and National Commission
for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) was held from 28 September to
1 October 2015 in Nairobi, Kenya. The theme of the conference was Applications,
Standards and Capacity Building for Sustaining Global Biodiversity. Subprograms
included: Digitization, Semantic Technologies, Phyloinformatics, Outreach and
Collaboration, e-Publications, Trait Data, and Conservation informatics.
The Working Group made up of biologists,
taxonomists, librarians, zoologists, entomologists,
ecologists, geneticists, information technologists convened to find more
effective and efficient ways of developing standards was held for the first time in Africa! TDWG
growing focus on the development, adaption or adoption of standards that enable
Biological Diversity Data to be shared provides policy direction to Biodiversity Informatics Facility and
Bioinformatics Unit support services under the Bioscience Policy and Bill
framework for sustainable exploitation, use, conservation and management of
biological resources towards creating opportunities for global competitiveness
and prosperity of a middle-income, newly industrialized country.
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