CALL FOR SUPPORT OF CONFENCES - (2014-2015) - Application Criteria


The National Commission For Science, Technology and Innovation is established under the Science,  Technology  and  Innovation  Act,  2013  with  mandate  to  advice,  promote, coordinate, regulate and assure quality in the Science, Technology and Innovation sector. One of funding programmes the Commission has put in place is this support of conferences and symposia which are in line with the Governments development goals as provided for in Kenya Vision 2030. The Commission invites organizations to apply for support for conferences and symposia.

The applications should be submitted at least three (3) months before the date of the event. The successful applicants will be supported up to a maximum of one million Kenya Shillings. The eligible conferences should bring together public and private sectors, researchers, innovators, policy makers, private sector, technology end-users, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders to share their findings, experience, knowledge and skills. NACOSTI recognizes  the  importance  of  ensuring  dissemination,  application  of  scientific  research results and transfer of technology for economic development.

Applicants are expected to submit the following:
aA 2 page brief detailing on the event indicating:- i) Theme and sub-themes (where applicable), ii) The objective(s),   ii) Date and Venue, iii) Target group(s),   iv) Programme, and v) other sponsors;
b)  Detailed budget; and
c)  A letter of endorsement from head of conference / host institution, supporting the application.

The successful applicant will be expected to submit to NACOSTI a copy of the proceeding and any other publications arising out of the event. The beneficiaries are also expected to abide by the following:-
aNACOSTI should be acknowledged in all proceedings and publications arising from supported conference/symposium;
b)  The awarded amount for a specific conference/symposium shall not be transferable to any other person or institution;

c)  The host institution to refund the awarded amount in incase of misappropriation and/or utilization of the fund for purposes not related to the approved conference.

Applications in both hard and soft copies to be sent or delivered to the below address:-

National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation
Uhuru Highway, Utalii House 9th Floor P.O. Box 30623-00100, NAIROBI.

TEL: 020-2242175/020-310571


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